Narcos tells the true-life story of the growth and spread of cocaine drug cartels across the globe and attendant efforts of law enforcement to meet them head on in brutal, bloody conflict. It centers around the notorious Colombian cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar (Wagner Moura) and Steve Murphy (Holbrook), a DEA agent sent to Colombia on a U.S. mission to capture him and ultimately kill him. Written by Soumik Ghosh
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Trùm ma túy (Phần 1)
Narcos (Season 1)
2015 49 min
Đang phát: 10
Quốc gia: ColombiaUnited States
Diễn viên: Alberto AmmannBoyd HolbrookDamián AlcázarFrancisco DenisJorge MonterrosaJuan MurciaPaulina GaitanPedro PascalRaúl Méndez…Wagner Moura
Thể loại: Chưa được phân loại
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